Are we doomed then to what we already have as Jesus says? Or can we receive more from God? While they are not law, the beatitudes can remind us of what we have already received and guide us in how we are to use those gifts.
Read MorePaul is recognizing that he had misused the gifts that God had given him to tear down the church instead of building it up. Instead of punishing him God called him to repent and use his gifts to build up the church. Paul answered that call and was able to sing praises to God for the salvation he had received despite all the struggles and troubles he experienced.
Read MoreRemember who the Old Testament calls God’s people to care for: the orphan, the widow, and the immigrant (the Old Testament says alien) in your land. A hard task when many in our society are calling for the opposite. I am troubled by the amount of hate and threats and violence that has become an everyday event in our lives.
Read MoreJesus, by choosing to read a passage from Isaiah, gives the true use of the Law – to call God’s people to a life of service taking care of all those who struggle: the poor, the captive, the blind, and those who are oppressed. Pretty much those who were viewed by Jesus’ listeners as not deserving help.
Read MoreAs I have said before, life was hard after the return [from exile]. All you need to do is think about the people in California returning after the fires. That was Jerusalem and the surrounding area. And for the Israelites it was 70 years later.
Read MoreGod had a better plan. God’s glory came to earth not as a powerful warrior who would build an earthly empire but as a human child who would die upon the cross so that everyone would be able to live in God’s glory and be those who shine upon the world with the light of Jesus.
Read MoreThe promise for them is that God will bring them all back to the land and reorder their lives. That was what the psalm was about. Except the people had a different idea of how their lives should be ordered and many were grumbling. Instead of chasing after some false god, the palmist tells them to rejoice and praise the LORD. Paul is also telling us the same thing. Through Christ we have been adopted by God and given redemption.
Read MorePaul tells us that praising the Lord is about putting on the clothes of compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.
That is how we truly praise God by following Jesus and becoming obedient to his command to love others as he loves us.
Read MoreThis is the opposite of that first Christmas where those involved did have legitimate issues to gripe – Joseph about more taxes, Mary about the long walk while nine months pregnant, the struggle to find a private place to have a baby, and the shepherds terrified in the fields – yet they rejoiced around the baby.
Read MoreWe have made salvation to mean an easy life full of money, and health. When we don’t have that, we think God has abandoned us. That’s also what the Israelites thought. Our story from Luke today says otherwise.
Read MoreAs advertising plans go, John the Baptist did not have a good one. Calling those who came to receive what he was offering “a brood of vipers” does not seem like it would attract anyone. But it did because the people who came were looking for God’s salvation.
Read MoreThis song is about the fulfillment of a promise that the Israelites had long awaited. Although their wait was not an easy one. I suppose waiting is never easy. Just take our modern life as an example.
Read MoreWe are pulled by the world in so many different directions that we have a difficult time staying focused on the life God calls us to. Because of this we find that we are surrounded by our enemies, wracked by worry and guilt, and are unable to see the way of God. Of course, that is why God gave us the Law. It is God’s gift to guide our lives so that we can withstand the temptations and blows from the world.
Read MoreIn fact, it was not Jesus who decided to celebrate Jesus as king. It was the church. I suppose to help people see and understand that Jesus is the head, the leader of the church. But, as all images of God, it is also wrong if you see Jesus’ leadership as that of a king who tells others what they are to do. Instead, Jesus leads the way and invites us to join him in his task of salvation.
Read MoreWhen people ask me when [the end time will come] I usually answer with a question: “If they knew, let’s say, June 20, 2025, would they change their life?” If they answer with a no, then I point out that when it comes doesn’t matter. If they answer, “Yes,” then we have much more work to do because that indicates they know they are not living up to God’s standards.
Read MoreWe are constantly being bombarded by the false narrative that what you have is yours to have for yourself. Although those who tell you this are usually trying to get you to give them what you have so they can have more. The truth of the matter is that what you have is actually God’s.
Read MoreThe miracle of this story is that you, who are not persecuted, are also invited into this great city. That invitation comes as a free gift.
Read MoreThroughout history many have tried to predict the time of Jesus’ return with these books. All of them have failed because they misunderstood these books. Remember Jesus did tell us it is not for us to know when he will return – that is up to God. We are called to live our lives so that when Jesus does return we can be called good and faithful servants.
Read MoreWhether it be natural disaster, personal illness, or something of our own making, God is our refuge and stronghold. But we are often unable to see it. Sometimes, like the Jews in our Gospel story today, we ignore our troubles by deluding ourselves that it does not exist. Many times we turn to others who promise a solution.
Read MoreJesus called the disciples to lives of service and not lives in which they would be served. Greatness, for Jesus, comes from service to others. If you do not understand this, look to Jesus who is the model of godly life.
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