The Power of a Name

In many early religions there was an understanding that if you knew the name of something you had power over it and could control it. It is, in part, the reason why Jews never pronounce the name of God (YHWH) when it appears in the text, instead saying “LORD.” While knowing the name of a person may work when disciplining young children, or to personalize an encounter with another, it does not give us any control over another person or thing. How then should we understand Jesus’ words in our gospel for today? There Jesus exclaims he has made God’s name known to those God gave him. (We also may wonder, does he mean the disciples only – probably – or everyone who believes – including us? The text is not completely clear.) This prayer is from what is usually called, “The Last Discourse” – chapters 13:31 through 17:26. These chapters take the place of Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane which John does not record. Believing that the Synoptic Gospels record the passion account accurately, and remembering that John was not concerned about the historical record of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection but only what it meant, we then must see that John has assembled these several chapters from the traditional sayings of Jesus, edited them, and placed them here on purpose. A careful reading of the lesson for today will also show Jesus changing between first and third person when talking about himself. That is one way John makes sure that the reader gets his point. So what about the name of God? Having it revealed to them, does it protect the disciples?

In Psalm 22:22 revealing the name of the Lord means to glorify God and in Psalm 9:10 we hear that when you know the name of God, you put your trust in God. Hebrews  also suggests that (chapter 2). So, by revealing God’s name to the disciples Jesus, while glorifying God, was also calling them to a life-long commitment that is centered on trusting God. A lesson that we all should hear again. How many times have you wandered away from the name of God and put your trust in something or someone else? Deciding where to put your trust these days can be quite frightening. Just look at all the people telling you what is safe and what is not safe in this pandemic. Should you stay inside or go out? Should you wear a mask or not? Oftentimes, as with the world in general, those who give you advice have something to gain or lose. Or, at least, an ax to grind. While, you still need to make a decision, and the name of God may not help you decide who to trust in this pandemic. Knowing God’s name – trusting in God – will change how you make your decision.  When you know God’s name you will make your decision, not based on your needs or wants alone, but will include the well-being of others. Knowing God’s name means trusting that God will guide you and be with you no matter what happens. Because whatever happens, you are one of God’s people who have been given to Jesus to be shaped, watched over, and saved. Knowing that you are in Jesus’ care you are committed to showing Jesus to the world even in the midst of a world pandemic.

Christ is Risen. Alleluia!