Welcomed Joy

Our short reading from Matthew today (Matthew 10:40-42) ends the section that began with Jesus’ compassion and his sending the disciples out to proclaim the good news, “The kingdom of heaven has come near.” We have seen in the past several weeks that Matthew was not concerned about the original mission – he never tells us the results – but about how God supports his community as they continue Jesus’ mission to proclaim the good news. This text changes the focus from those who are on the mission to those who receive the missionaries (and maybe, the message). They, by receiving the missionaries, have received Jesus and therefore have received God. This seems like, “Preaching to the choir.” Why would the missionaries need to hear how the hearers receive them? The answer may be in Jesus’ talk about a prophet and a righteous one.

Originally, when Jesus spoke these words, he was probably speaking of himself, to reshape (remember verse 34) who the messiah would be and what he would do. Here Jesus is melding together two concepts of the messiah, a prophet and the righteous one (see Acts 7:52). Remaking the image of messiah as he did throughout his ministry. Changing the image from an earthly solution to an everlasting one. Matthew is reminding his readers of the reward that awaited them despite what others did to them. The reward for welcoming others comes from Jesus. Therefore they can receive others as if they were receiving Jesus. But, more importantly, they could proclaim Jesus by how they receive others. They may give them a drink of water – life giving water.

Yes, we are to receive others as if we are receiving Jesus. We now are Jesus’ disciples. We are his words and actions and are called to receive others as Jesus received us – with love. With our world in a turmoil, with sudden changes, we are called to be the ones who offer refreshment to those who are harried and battered by the world. We are called to proclaim Jesus and show his love to all the world. Answer Jesus’ call. Pray for the strength and perseverance to stand up for Jesus and to share his love in a difficult time and place. Be the fresh water that the world needs today.