Morning Joy

I like routines. After I pour my first cup of coffee in the morning, I read the comics for the day, turn the page over and do the Ken-ken and Cryptoquip puzzles. I then pour a second cup of coffee and turn to prayer, Bible-reading, and sermon preparation. During the summer this all happens on my second-floor deck. Which allows me to be surprised sometimes. Lately it has been the Dumetella carolinensis, or Gray Catbird. A pair of which is nesting in our Calycanthus occidentalis shrubs. They seem to be oblivious to me as they will often land on the porch railing within feet of me and begin to sing their varied song. Since they are in the mocking-bird family that song can be quite entertaining and a delight to hear. A surprising musical feast from a nondescript gray bird. This becomes a morning joy; to be interrupted by the song of a bird or the chatting of a squirrel who was surprised by my presence as he climbed up to see if Jaye had put anything out for him. That is why I enjoy sitting out on my porch. I get to enjoy God's creation and the little surprises that come along with it. Although sometimes, like now, it does distract me a bit from the task at hand. 

The other thing that I observe from my second-story perch are those who pass the house. Most of them seem completely unaware of their surroundings. Some would rather ignore it all, sticking earphones in and listening to something they already know and expect. Others are so wrapped up in the task afoot like running or walking the dog that the world passes right over their head. I am not saying I am correct and they are wrong, I just have never understood not being part of the world that surrounds us. 

There is great precedence for this joy in the morning. One morning two-thousand years ago it was not the birds who were singing but the angels. Singing because in one morning God changed the world and our lives. We, that morning, gave up lawlessness for righteousness, and death for life. Just think of Mary’s surprise. So great was that surprise she did not even recognize Jesus. A joy so great that all we can do each morning is wake knowing God’s love is overwhelming and is calling us to our daily task. So each day let us begin in that joy. Praying with Martin Luther;

“I thank you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.”

Then begin your day expecting to be surprised by God. Surprised by your tasks, gifts, and the people God sends you to meet. 


Pastor John