Difficult Words

Samuel was the son of Elkanah who had two wives Peninah and Hannah. While Peninah had many children, Hannah was barren and Peninah lorded it over her. So Hannah prayed to God to have children. God granted her wish and she gave birth to her son Samuel. Since his birth was a gift from God, after he was weaned, Hannah lent him to God for as long as he lived. And the boy ministered before the Lord. That is where we find him in our story for today. Now, since he was only a boy and the word of the Lord was precious in that day, he did not recognize that it was the Lord who called him. How could he? It took Eli three times before he perceived what was going on. And on the fourth time Samuel heard the voice of the Lord. But they were troubling words. When Eli asked what the Lord said it seems that Samuel was hesitant to tell him afraid of what Eli might do hearing God’s punishment for the acts of his adult children. Despite his fear, Samuel spoke the truth. As a prophet of God he was called to do so many more times; even to the king. That is a lesson we may need to learn as well. It is not always easy to speak the truth. In fact it takes courage especially when it endangers our lives.

That is only part of our lesson today. We read the Samuel text to emphasize the text from John. There we read John’s account of Jesus calling the first disciples. While each Gospel has a slightly different account of this event (and only John names Nathaniel as a disciple) the point is that Jesus called and they answered. No resume needed no interview given just two words, “follow me” and it all began. Those words grew into other words, “come and see,” and the disciples were called. I am quite sure that none of them knew what the future would bring and one might wonder if they knew the struggles, pain, and uncertainty that they would experience if they would have been so willing. They followed because they were asked. 

These two texts then remind us of what it means to be called by God. The task to which we are called to is a difficult one, if not impossible. To love others as God loves us means much more than speaking the truth. It means dedicating our whole life to God. To be Jesus’ hands, feet, and mouth for the world. Impossible for you as an individual but you are not called to do this on your own. You are called to be a part, a member, of the body of Christ. Together with Jesus as the head you not only can answer God’s call but fulfill it with joy, faith, and hope. Listen when God calls and answer, “Here I am, Lord. Send me, send me.”