Impatient Time

One of the “wise” words I heard as I grew up was, “Patience is a virtue.” I cannot remember who told me this. That is probably because many people told me that because I was an impatient boy. Although, I must admit, I was not quite sure what a virtue was. Since then I have learned what a virtue is and to have patience. Now that might be because I am getting older and I do not have the energy to be impatient. But, for much of our society, impatience might be the virtue for many people are profiting off instant (or near instant) delivery of wants (and maybe needs). Just go and order something online and you will see what I mean. Often you can get free delivery which may take a week or more, or you can pay extra for a quicker delivery. The sooner the delivery the more expensive it is. 

The people of Israel certainly showed their impatience in our reading from Numbers. With their passage to the Holy Land blocked by way of Edom, they began to bring up their old complaints: There was no food or water, slavery in Egypt was better than this, it’s all Moses’ fault. Instead of being patient as Moses worked out the problem, with God’s help, they pressed for a quicker solution. A solution that would have returned them to bondage. Then God sent poisonous serpents among them. In order to survive they were required to have faith. Enough faith to admit their impatience and intransigence and look up to the symbol Moses placed for them as a reminder that God was the Lord of all. This was not the first time that the Israelites were impatient with God and it was not the last. In part, impatience played a role in all the times that they broke the covenant. Impatient to be delivered from the chaos that surrounded them.

The Israelites are not alone. We too are often impatient. While most of us learn to be more patient as we grow older we still become impatient in our everyday lives. We are impatient when the car in front us is traveling slower than we want to go. We are impatient at the supermarket when the person in front is trying to gather enough change out of their pocket to pay their bill. We are impatient when . . . You know the feeling. We all have been there. And, instead of trying to help the person who may be in need we get angry and yell, throw our stuff down, and leave. Instead of sharing the love of God we show the impatience of sin.

Whatever it may be that brings out the impatience in you or whenever it may happen, instead of reacting as you usually do, say a prayer. It need not be long. Say a prayer they God give you the patience ,not just to wait your turn, but the strength to share God’s love so that those around you can do the same.