Ignorance and Faith

Our reading from Acts for today is only part of Peter’s sermon. It also leaves out the story that leads up to his sermon. I encourage you to read the whole of chapter three. Luke, who wrote Acts, uses stories of events in the early church to set the stage for a sermon by the followers of Jesus. The coming of the Holy Spirit gives rise to a sermon by Peter. The arrest of Stephen gives rise to his sermon showing Jesus is the fulfillment of the scripture. In our text today the event was Peter and John, while going into the temple, healed a man who had been lame from birth. When the man asked Peter for alms, Peter said he did not have silver or gold but would give the man what he had, telling him, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.” The man stood up, and with Peter and John, entered the temple walking and leaping and praising God. The people who came into the temple day by day and knew the lame man were amazed at what had happened to him.

It would have been possible for Peter and John to claim that it was solely their ability that healed the man -- you probably know some who are like that. While they may have had a part in making some great event to happen, they claim it was completely their doing. But not for Peter and John, they gave credit where credit was due. The healing of this man gave them an opportunity to preach to the people. It was a sermon that reminded them that the person by whose name the man was healed was the same person that was crucified in Jerusalem, a crucifixion that they had a part in. But that did not preclude them from being a member of Jesus’ community. For Jesus died for all – even those who put him to death. 

That is our story as well. We too have caused Jesus’ death by our sin. We too have acted out of ignorance and are guilty. In spite of that Jesus died for us as well. Now we are able to live as Peter, John, and Stephen lived. We live in faith. That gives us the ability to see the gifts that God has given us and share them with others. That is our calling. The gift is God’s love. While we may not be able to heal the lame we can give of what we have. As our offertory prayer says we give our selves, our time, and our possessions so that others may know Jesus. While others run around in the world trying to gather and horde all that they can, thinking that they deserve it, we proclaim Jesus Christ knowing that we do not deserve what we have but have it because God loves us. Peter and John knew that. They gave of themselves – even their lives – so that the world would know Jesus.

You have been made whole by the blood of Jesus. You are the children of God, sisters and brothers of Jesus. You have been called to proclaim Jesus in all that you say and do. Answer that call so that all the world will see Jesus through your words and deeds.