A Burning Desire

Today we heard Isaiah describe his call in vivid details. We note that this account is chapter six. Instead of beginning with his call, Isaiah started his book with prophecy. Usually when one is making claims about someone and prophesying to them they give their credentials first. Otherwise those you are addressing may not listen. For Isaiah the message was more important than the messenger. He certainly did not think that he was better than the people that he was speaking to. In his vision he realized he was in the presence of God, was unworthy to be there, and should die. Instead of being struck down he was made worthy to stand in the presence of God. A burning coal, which even an angel could not hold (he used tongs), was touched to his lips freeing him from guilt and blotting out his sins. Freed from sin and guilt Isaiah was able to hear and answer God. “Here I am, send me!”

He did not ask what the task was or argue that he did not have the skill set necessary for it. He immediately asked to be sent. Once cleansed from sin in the presence of God you know you can do whatever God asks. We note this because the task was not easy. He was to prophesy to a people who would not listen. He is to tell them that God would bring punishment to them and remove them from their land until it was a desolate wasteland. Isaiah did have second thoughts and complaints later on but the call was given and he answered it.

The same is for us. We also are unable to stand in the presence of God. Our sin and guilt is plentiful – sometimes even unknown. But, like Isaiah, we have also been cleansed of them. No longer are we slaves of sin. We have received the spirit of adoption. Now we are God’s children. We are bound to God by love. We are able to cry, “Abba!, Father!” and answer God’s call. Just like Isaiah, we answer the call without question or worry with a desire to be faithful to God who has always been faithful to us.

Sometimes we have it wrong or misunderstand the call like Nicodemus. He was confused by being “Born again” and “Born from above.” But out of his misunderstanding he heard the promise of God – that he gave his only son so that we might gain eternal life. Comforted and led by the Spirit we can proclaim the love of God by how we live – our words and deeds. While you did not have a burning coal touched to your lips you should have a burning desire to share what God has given you – yourself, your time, and your possessions. Without thought of how others will receive it or how dangerous it might be. Being born of water and the Spirit we dedicate our lives to the world that God has given us so that all may see and experience God’s love and rejoice in the salvation offered to all.