With Vengeance and Power

The subject of our text from Isaiah today is a familiar one. The wilderness transformed into an oasis, the sick are healed, and a straight and safe highway for God’s people to return to Zion will be made. Unfortunately, we only read the part of this text that is related to our gospel for today. – the healing of the blind, deaf, and lame. This text, probably placed here by an editor a century or so after Isaiah was written, seems to be a response to the gloomy prophecy of the destruction of humankind in the previous chapter. Although the reader is reminded of the terrible destruction prophesied in chapter 34 by the editor’s use of “vengeance” and “recompense” to describe God’s action of deliverance. No wonder Brahms used part of this text in his German Requiem. In the midst of chaos and destruction,  God’s people are reminded of the promise of salvation. 

We certainly have seen chaos in these past days – hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, and forest fires to name a few. While our present situation is not punishment from God, as the Babylonian captivity was, it certainly reminds us of the uncertainty of life. In this chaotic often destructive world our texts for today remind us that we do not face the terrible force of the world alone. We do it in the presence of Jesus. We also face the world together. While our society has bought the lie that the only person we need to worry about is ourself and that we can do whatever we desire without having any concern about anyone else, as a quick look at television advertisements or the anti-vaccination movement shows. It seems that was one of the problems in the community to which the book of James was written. James’ community was showing partiality to the rich probably in hope that they would be able to share in their riches while letting those who were poor fend for themselves. Instead of looking out for ourselves, we are called to look to Jesus who did not count equality with God obedient even to death on the cross.

Yes, the road is frightening, long, difficult, and dangerous but you are lead by Jesus and he will not lead you wrong. The most difficult part of this journey is sticking to it. The world around you works to lure you away with its rings of gold and lies, promising you what only God can give. Do not be fooled by the baubles the world dangles before you scared off by the terrible chaos that swirls around you. Be assured that it is Jesus himself that surrounds you, strengthening you, and providing to you all that you need for the journey ahead. A journey that joins you together with all the saints. Boldly live the life God calls you to. Step into the whirlwind with confidence, filled with the peace that only God can give.