Inserted Here

As we read Paul’s letter we often take for granted that we have these letters. We forget that Paul was not writing scripture when he wrote these letters or even planning them to be kept. Paul’s scripture was the Old Testament. Paul’s reason for his letters were immediate. He was writing to individual churches trying to correct their misunderstandings and answer their questions as he was growing in faith and struggling with how best to explain Jesus’ salvation to those early Christians. Remembering that there were no printing presses; to share and preserve any document for later generations, it had to be hand copied. It is truly a wonder we have any of Paul’s letters at all. In that light scholars have suggested that the two letters to the Corinthians are actually a composition of several letters. Which also suggests that there may be letters that were never preserved. One scenario that I could see happening is that a letter Paul wrote so infuriated the reader that he tore it up. You have done that. I have brought this up because many scholars now suggest that the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians has been inserted into this part of the letter. The argument for this is based on many factors. One of the primary factors is that chapter thirteen breaks up the argument that Paul is making. By removing chapter thirteen chapter twelve flows into chapter fourteen (easier seen in Greek) and Paul’s argument makes more sense. So, why is it here?

It is because of the subject matter – love. You all know this chapter. It is the one text most used at weddings. Although it is not about marriage it is about living together as God’s people. Whoever put it here thought that this piece, which talks about prophecies, tongues, and knowledge passing away, made Paul’s argument stronger. It actually may do the opposite by breaking up Paul’s argument that everyone receives different gifts by the same Spirit all of equal importance. 

It is because of love that we can live as Paul wishes. It is because of God’s love that we are able to love others. For God so loved us that sent his son as a sacrifice for our sin. It is God’s love that has made us who we are. In living out God’s love we use our gifts of the Spirit whichever ones they may be. This inserted chapter is telling us how we are able and why we share the gifts we have received. We act out of love. It is also God’s love, given to us, that we share. A love so large that we cannot but share it with others. Look upon the gifts you have received from the Spirit and use those gifts to fill the world with the love of God.