Live in Love

One of the things that we encounter all of our life is rules. They are everywhere. Although some rules are more important than others they all are made for a reason. That reason is so that we can live together in a community. Some rules are called laws, some commandments, and some are guides. Some are written. Some are unwritten. We have rules on how to behave in our families, in school, at work, and in society. We follow them because we hope every other person will follow them too. In fact they are a covenant – a contract – between ourselves. That is why when people tell me that we live in a democracy and they can do whatever they want, I tell them that is not what a democracy is. A democracy is a community (nation) of people who agree to work together so that all would have the same rights and responsibilities. A society that allows people to do whatever they want is an anarchy. I bring this up because of today’s lessons. Joseph, who finds his bride to be pregnant – and it is not his – is caught in a quandary about the rules. He tries to figure out how to get out of the arranged marriage without endangering Mary. The rule, although not usually followed, was that a woman caught in adultery should be stoned to death. So he plans to divorce her quietly. Although what would that do? Mary will soon show Joseph’s problem.

Rules are like that sometimes. They can be contradictory. They can cause you a great deal of struggle. There may be extenuating circumstances. That is why our legal system is by jury. Twelve people have to agree. The Jews have the Talmud, a book written to help interpret the Law so that they can be faithful to God’s law in the confusion of modern life. In the end we all must make choices about the rules that surround us.

Christmas is a time of many rules. Children are threatened with them. Adults are haunted by them. We all want this time to be a joyful time. Sometimes we, in that attempt, make it a time of depression. As you prepare to receive family and friends this year, think of that first Christmas. How God broke into our world with the gift of salvation – and he named him Jesus. And Jesus gave us just one rule to follow; “Love others as God first loved you”. With that one rule we are called to change the world into a place of peace, hope, and joy. Pray that, like Joseph, you will hear God’s call to share God’s love with the world today, this season, and always.