Good Works

Many of the churches that I have been involved with over the years had a group of women who called themselves the “Dorcas Circle.” Many of these groups gathered to sew. Some made clothing or quilts to give to those in need, one group gathered children’s clothing, mending those that needed it and distributing them. Other groups gathered to raise funds to give to those in need. All of them named after Dorcas who is mentioned in our reading from Acts. These were just a few of the many groups named after Dorcas who is only mentioned once in the Bible. All we know of her is in our reading from Acts today. There Luke tells us that Dorcas was a disciple of Jesus and “devoted to good works and charity.” Some of those good works was providing clothing that she made for others in need. We may also surmise that she also had some financial means since she gave to charity – a rarity for a woman in her age. That charity in part was to help the widows in Joppa. She may have been a widow herself, may have allowed the Christians in Joppa to meet in her home, and could have been a leader in that community.

While the main emphasis of this story is Peter’s revival of Dorcas from the dead, we note that Luke is sure to tell us she was devoted to good works and charity. To be devoted means that she saw it as important, if not the most important thing she could do – setting her own desires aside and helping others. This devotion came from knowing Jesus’ salvation by being one of his disciples. The New Testament writers do not write much about good works. Paul, in his letter to Titus, comes the closest to Luke here when he tells those who have come to believe in God to devote themselves to good works (Titus 3:8). In First Timothy he tells women that they should not braid their hair or wear gold or pearls or fancy clothes but should dress themselves with good works. We need to be careful of this text since it sees women as secondary to men – not the view of the church today. Although it is good advice for every Christian. Instead of being concerned about how we look in the eyes of society, we should be seen dressed in good works.

In fact that may be our call. As Dorcas shared her gifts with others, we are called to share our gifts also. We do so not because of any reward that they may give us. We have already received that reward – Jesus Christ. By his life, death, and resurrection we have been made the children of God and gifted with new life. In wonder and awe of this gift and our unworthiness of it we can devote ourselves to good works and charity. Dress yourself in the love of Jesus and share your gifts so that others will see Jesus in all that you say and do.

Christ is Risen!