Dreams and Illusions

In our Old Testament text we hear Jeremiah speaking to a small group of people (as opposed to the general population) accusing them of speaking only what the people wanted to hear and not what God wanted them to hear. Jeremiah was facing the problem that many (if not all) of the prophets of God face. The problem was false prophets telling the people what they wanted to hear in order to reap some benefit. Kind of like fortune tellers of today claiming they knew what was the future of the people and for a fee they would share it with them. Those false profits were only telling dreams and illusions. Jeremiah also seems to be accusing them of calling the people away from God. There is not much of a difference for us today. We are constantly called away from God to something else that promises to save us. The number of examples are almost too great to count. Again, I point you to the television. There are countless examples of things and people who will save you. All of them false prophets. There are groups to join and coalitions of people who promise deliverance. One that has resurrected its ugly head is the so-called Christian Nationalism. There is no such thing. You are either a Christian or a nationalist. You cannot be both. As a Christian you can love your country but you are, more importantly, called to love God above all things. When you love God you love others as God loves you. Do not be fooled by these hucksters of falsehood. Their only plan is to recruit you so that they may be enriched. 

Instead of looking to these modern-day impostors and false prophets, look to the great crowd of witnesses that God has surrounded you with. When you read that list you will find people that others find repugnant. Rahab the prostitute, women who were not Jewish, and many who suffered ridicule, mocking, and torture because they did not listen to the false prophets. Those are not the people we are accustomed to. We expect to receive riches and greatness because of our faith. We listen to false prophets and believe our own dreams and illusions instead of following Jesus. 

It is not easy being a Christian. Especially now when there are so many things calling us to a “better” life. Jesus knows that. In fact Jesus struggled with the same issues. He did not want to suffer and asked God to remove that from him. Jesus called Peter Satan because he suggested to Jesus that there was another way. Jesus knew how much division false prophets could sow. He tells us that in our text from Luke. Although, I have heard this text used in the wrong way – people claiming that they are doing God’s work because they are causing division in the church. Another illusion on their part. 

Instead of listening to the false prophets and following you dreams and illusions, listen to Jesus’ call to the truth. Instead of believing that you deserve what you have, expecting more, remember that everything is God’s and what you have is God’s gift to you. Instead of believing that your lifestyle, culture, or nation is the true one, look to Jesus who gave up everything for you as the truth. Work hard at your task of sharing God’s gifts to the world. Pray that you will always live by faith and not by desire. Do not be swayed by empty promises. Your life has been bought at a great price by the life and death of Jesus, God’s own son. Look at the great cloud of witnesses who have gone before you. They were able to ignore false prophets, dreams, and illusions as they struggled to live the life of love. They were not perfect and often failed just like you. Be strengthened knowing that just as Jesus walked with them he walks with you. You have been given so much and called to show others the love of God by what you do with those gifts.