Knowing the Unknowable

I cannot tell you how many times people ask me about heaven. I suppose it is out of great curiosity that they ask. They are usually disappointed with my answer, which is, I have no idea. We do get a glimpse of what it may be like in the scriptures. Our reading from Revelation today is an example. In John’s vision we learn that, for the white robed multitude, heaven is worship night and day every day not an hour or so one day a week. We also learn from this text that there will no longer be hunger or thirst, no scorching punishment, and no tears, only life-giving waters. Are you ready for that? Will you be completely satisfied holding perpetual worship around the throne of God?

I believe that is, in part, what Jesus is talking about in his lesson from Matthew today. There Jesus is telling us how to prepare for the time when he comes to take us by the hand and lead us to heaven. A close look at those qualifications and you will note that this entrance exam is not the same as the one you have been taught by the world. The world teaches that you must be aggressive, cold-hearted, uncaring, rich, giving no charity; not worried about how your actions may hurt others. You know this. We all have been trained well by the world. Look at those who are trying to bring peace to the Middle East. I have seen those calling for a cease-fire heckled and booed for doing what Jesus emphasizes as one of the qualities that make us his. A quick look at the other qualifications may show how our lives do not reflect Jesus’ life. At least not outwardly. We often try to hide our true character so we fit in with those around us and to not be belittled or ignored by them. But we only deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

We are called to a different standard than the world. That standard is love. You would think that love is what the world would strive for. It does not. That may be because to love others is to make ourselves vulnerable. When the world thinks about love they think of themselves. That is not true love. Love is to think about others and work so that all people regardless of their position in life, their heritage, or even their actions experience the love of God through you.

We do not know what heaven is like. Or even, as John says, what we will be like. We only know that we will be changed and when Jesus is revealed we will be like him. Until that time we are called to struggle in this world to fill it with God’s love as we are able. It is not an easy task. It will be a struggle. Just read Jesus’ message for today and look upon his life. He too struggled and suffered for others. Know also, because he did, you have become children of God. Not because you have met the qualifications but that Jesus did it for you. You do not need to know anything about heaven to share God’s love. You do not even have to know much about God because you are known by Jesus.

Known by Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit and supplied with God’s love you are called to share that love with the world. The task can be difficult and painful but you do not do it alone. For we, who are called by Jesus, are gathered together in this place and fed at this table so that we may go out into the world and begin our perpetual worship of God by sharing God’s love with all.