Life’s Foundation

The root of the word “foundation” is found – to establish – and comes from the Latin word that means bottom. Which, interestingly, is different from the root for founder (“The ship struck a reef and foundered”), and also found – melting and pouring metal into a cast as in a foundry. It also is not related to found, the past tense and past participle of find. I bring this piece of trivia up because I like to research the history of our language. Sometimes that history can help bring meaning to a passage that uses the word. Once in a while I use it to help me find an idea for the sermon like today. Peter is the one who brings up “foundation” in his text we read today. It is an easy to understand text. We have been ransomed from sin and death by Christ’s blood not by earthly things. In fact earthly things can not be compared with Christ’s blood since he existed before the earth was founded.

Although we desire to make Jesus the foundation of our lives, we often are seduced to build our lives on something else. Usually that comes with disappointment, a bit of embarrassment, and the expenditure of some hard-earned cash. Although in some cases it can mean financial ruin, exploitation, or even death. From the television in your living room to the street pharmacist on the corner we are constantly called to build our lives upon an unstable foundation. When we do we often find ourselves lost and, like the Jews in Jerusalem asking, “What should we do?” For we, too, have crucified Jesus by our selfish desires. We have done and continue to do so because, in our journey, we do not always recognize Jesus just like the disciples on their way to Emmaus. 

The world around us is certainly glitzy. There are so many different possibilities and choices that we often cannot decide what to do, or say, or believe. Often, in order to not have to make a decision, we latch onto the latest fad or idea. If everyone else is doing it, it cannot be bad. Soon we find ourselves letting others decide what we should do. That only leads to more of the same. We see that happening around us now. People want to decide for you what you should do and read and hope for. And there are a whole lot of people who let them. But you cannot found your life upon what others want or say you can do. Your life is founded on the blood of Jesus. Jesus who did not do what the authorities wanted, who treated all people as children of God and did not categorize them based on their nationality, sex, or religious belief. We are called to do the same.

You who have been washed in the waters of baptism, filled with the Holy Spirit, and seen Jesus in the breaking of bread have been set down upon a sturdy and true foundation. A foundation that existed before the world began. Are not your hearts burning within you to do the work of God? I know, the world seems to be more exciting and desirable. There are so many things we need to do and places to go. Do not be seduced by false hopes and shaky foundations. Remember your reward has already been given and your bondage broken. You have been called to the obedience of love. As the world calls you away keep your mind on Jesus and you will meet him in your everyday activity. In this journey we take together let us love others as Jesus loves us.

The Rev. John M. Cawkins