Posts in Sermon
A Kind of First Fruit

While we do not know for sure, it seems that James’ community would rather sit around and try to be theologians than to do the work of Christians. It also sounds like they argued and criticized each other to the point of getting angry with each other. Which was destructive to the community and did not show the unity they had in Jesus. It also seems that many of their arguments were just empty words.

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Thank the Lord

Instead of being content with the gifts God has given us we want more. Sometimes we try to bargain with God to give us more. Other times we get angry and blame God for not giving us what we desire. Jesus’ promise was never to give us what we want or to make life easier. His promise was to be with us to the end of the world no matter what happens.

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A Fragrant Offering

Paul is so concerned about our anger he mentions it twice. It is not your anger that is the problem, it is what you do with it that might be. If you hurt others it is wrong. If it motivates you to do right it is good. But anger can stew. That is why Paul tells you to deal with it quickly – before sundown.

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God’s Dwelling Place

Left to ourselves we tend to divide the world into us and them. We base this upon arbitrary criteria: the color of our skin, our income, our sexual identity, our education, our nationality, our political beliefs. If we truly are the community built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets and held together by Christ we will work to break down these human walls to bring to the world the Word of God who is our peace.

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Amos, a simple herdsman and dresser of sycamore trees was called to confront the king. What a challenge that was. The powerless giving God’s message of destruction to the powerful. Only with God’s support could Amos have done that.

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Being a Christian is difficult. While some may experience God in the way those ‘super apostles’ did, most Christians live in this world with real every-day struggles. That is where we truly meet God – through the struggles we share with our sisters and brothers in Jesus.

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Built by God

The members of the church started to rank God’s gifts to boost their individual self-image, claiming that one gift is more important than another. Paul disagrees with them telling the Corinthians that their lives were built by God. Their identity came from Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection not the gifts God had given them. Those gifts were to be shared.

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Clay Jars

If we are not careful, anger and hurt can take over our lives and prevent us from living the way God desires. We can allow our hurt to take hold in our families, among our friends, in our neighborhood, and, like the Corinthians, in our church.

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Hopes and Sighs

In our brief text from Romans today it seems that Paul is addressing the age-old question of why do God’s people suffer. The Christians in Rome were no different. After becoming Christians their lives had not changed for them. Why was God not answering their prayers?

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True Testimony

All of the first Christians spent their time proclaiming the good news of Jesus. No one stood out but the few because everyone worked together. As the community grew there were more diverse roles for the members of the community.

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