Posts in Sermon
Teach Me Your Ways, O Lord

We are pulled by the world in so many different directions that we have a difficult time staying focused on the life God calls us to. Because of this we find that we are surrounded by our enemies, wracked by worry and guilt, and are unable to see the way of God. Of course, that is why God gave us the Law. It is God’s gift to guide our lives so that we can withstand the temptations and blows from the world.

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Surrounded by God

In fact, it was not Jesus who decided to celebrate Jesus as king. It was the church. I suppose to help people see and understand that Jesus is the head, the leader of the church. But, as all images of God, it is also wrong if you see Jesus’ leadership as that of a king who tells others what they are to do. Instead, Jesus leads the way and invites us to join him in his task of salvation.

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End Times

When people ask me when [the end time will come] I usually answer with a question: “If they knew, let’s say, June 20, 2025, would they change their life?” If they answer with a no, then I point out that when it comes doesn’t matter. If they answer, “Yes,” then we have much more work to do because that indicates they know they are not living up to God’s standards.

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Unselfish Sacrifice

We are constantly being bombarded by the false narrative that what you have is yours to have for yourself. Although those who tell you this are usually trying to get you to give them what you have so they can have more. The truth of the matter is that what you have is actually God’s.

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What Time is it?

Throughout history many have tried to predict the time of Jesus’ return with these books. All of them have failed because they misunderstood these books. Remember Jesus did tell us it is not for us to know when he will return – that is up to God. We are called to live our lives so that when Jesus does return we can be called good and faithful servants.

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Our Refuge and Stronghold

Whether it be natural disaster, personal illness, or something of our own making, God is our refuge and stronghold. But we are often unable to see it. Sometimes, like the Jews in our Gospel story today, we ignore our troubles by deluding ourselves that it does not exist. Many times we turn to others who promise a solution.

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A Priest for All

Jesus called the disciples to lives of service and not lives in which they would be served. Greatness, for Jesus, comes from service to others. If you do not understand this, look to Jesus who is the model of godly life.

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Crowned with Glory and Honor

Be like Jesus who took them up into his arms. It is not just the children that we are called to lift up. It is also the hungry, homeless, widow, and immigrant Jesus calls us to love and care for so that all people may thrive and live the life God calls them to.

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A Kind of First Fruit

While we do not know for sure, it seems that James’ community would rather sit around and try to be theologians than to do the work of Christians. It also sounds like they argued and criticized each other to the point of getting angry with each other. Which was destructive to the community and did not show the unity they had in Jesus. It also seems that many of their arguments were just empty words.

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Thank the Lord

Instead of being content with the gifts God has given us we want more. Sometimes we try to bargain with God to give us more. Other times we get angry and blame God for not giving us what we desire. Jesus’ promise was never to give us what we want or to make life easier. His promise was to be with us to the end of the world no matter what happens.

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A Fragrant Offering

Paul is so concerned about our anger he mentions it twice. It is not your anger that is the problem, it is what you do with it that might be. If you hurt others it is wrong. If it motivates you to do right it is good. But anger can stew. That is why Paul tells you to deal with it quickly – before sundown.

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