Posts in Sermon
Promising Words

No matter how prepared I am I find myself confused and babbling so much so that I often miss the opportunity to see, hear, and experience God’s call. But then, that is the usual way people react to God. Elisha is one of the exceptions.

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Comforting Words

God’s people certainly needed comfort. They had been defeated as a people, their temple and great city destroyed, and they were held in bondage in a foreign land. It was a time when they questioned their history, belief, and God. Had they been wrong all along?

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Prophetic Words

We are called just like the Corinthians to evaluate our words and actions to make sure that they do not cause one of our brothers or sisters to fall in faith. While you may not be a prophet you are still called to speak and do so that others will hear and see Jesus through you.

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Eight Words

We find that in our lives as well. We have our minds made up. We usually “know” what God should do. We have our own enemies and see many others as not worthy of what we have. The emotions around this are so strong that we, like Jonah, shirk our call from God. While we do not run away physically, we just ignore God’s call and convince ourselves that what we are doing, what we like to do, is what God is calling us to do.

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Difficult Words

When Eli asked what the Lord said it seems that Samuel was hesitant to tell him afraid of what Eli might do hearing God’s punishment for the acts of his adult children. Despite his fear, Samuel spoke the truth. As a prophet of God he was called to do so many more times; even to the king. That is a lesson we may need to learn as well. It is not always easy to speak the truth. In fact it takes courage especially when it endangers our lives.

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Let Us Begin

When this story was composed – during the Babylonian captivity – the Israelites were not interested in how the world came about. They were questioning their whole lives, their faith, and their God. Their lives were in chaos.

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A Garden of Delight

While we have not been forcefully removed from our homes, nor are we threatened by foreign powers, our lives often seem so fragile. We are bombarded by concerns, worries, and doubts. Our lives are not what we wish them to be. These past nine months have certainly been trying. Yet, through it all God has been present in our lives.

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A Crown of Beauty

They were the beauty of God’s crown and his royal diadem not because of their wealth, position, power, or ability. They were people who struggled. They had doubts, fears, and worries and were often confused and lost. But they are God’s glory because God held them in his hand.

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The Gift Given

That [first Christmas] celebration was not filled with gifts, friends, family, or feast. Instead it was darkness, fear, and curiosity, giving way to wonder. “Let us go and see this thing that has taken place.”

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Waiting for the Bridegroom

We also struggle to make sense of a world turned upside- down because of the Covid-19 virus. While governments try to decide how to save lives others complain about their rights. In a world where people think it is alright to send death threats because things did not go the way they wanted, we hear Jesus echoing Isaiah’s words. Words of comfort, but also words of action. We are called, as God’s people not to act out of selfish desires but in order to help others.

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Waiting for Comfort

God did not make the Israelites return to the promised land free and easy. In fact, as last week’s text from Isaiah showed, it was hard work and struggle. What God is offering here is to change the rules of the game. God is promising a new way to salvation.

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What Side Will You Be On?

While judgment is based on feeding the hungry, giving the thirsty a drink, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, taking care of the sick, and visiting those in prison, salvation is much deeper. Jesus is telling us that performing these acts should be second nature to us

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Foolish and Wise

It seems that Matthew was worried that many Christians were wandering off and not attending to the community, to worship, and answering the call of God. Matthew wanted his readers to see that being a Christian was not a one time once-a-week thing but entailed their whole life.

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To Be Blessed

It was in those struggles about family, life, health, and faith where you were blessed by God. Think about it. It was not to the powerful or the rich that Jesus came but to those who society left behind, tax collectors and sinners.

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Free at Last!

Each year, when we read these texts on Reformation I always seem to focus on how the Jews in our gospel are able to say that they had never been in bondage. Note these are those who are following Jesus. Could they not see how their own lives did not live up to God’s expectation? Were they so used to the way things were that they had no desire to reform their lives? That is what today is about reforming our lives around Go

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What About Money?

While we may argue over the amount of taxes and who should pay, we accept that principle [“No taxation without representation]. But that is not the question that we need to answer here. That question is, “What is God’s?”

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Wearing the Robe of Righteousness

Together these two parables are reminding Christians that they are invited to a banquet of great joy in the kingdom of God. That invitation also calls them to a new life. A life of repentance. We all know that a look at our lives will show that we are not worthy of the invitation. We are those who have been invited last.

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