No Longer Rejected by God

Your salvation does not rely upon following some set of rules about everyday life such as what you eat. Your salvation depends upon the work of Jesus – his life, death, and resurrection. And in thanks for this gift you choose to live your life as God asks. If you are lost in how to do that, all you need to do is look to Jesus. He is your model, leader, and shepherd.

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Proclaiming the Word

In this, his attempt at a solution for his dilemma, he quotes Deuteronomy, claiming they are looking for God in all the wrong places. You do not need to go up into heaven or down into sheol – to scour the world – to find God, Jesus is present now in their lives wherever they may be.

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Sorrow and Anguish

You know that feeling. When our lives are disrupted by change, life can become a struggle. We experienced that in the pandemic and the years following it. We see it in our lives when loved ones die. Those things that made our lives - the joys and rewards - seem to disappear and all that is left is trouble and sadness. To you Isaiah is calling. The call is to remember that you have been washed in the waters of Baptism and fed at this table.

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Putting Together the Pieces

These verses, then, are about living life in the present age. It is about the assurance that in the struggles within and without the church God works with God’s people to bring about those things that God has planned (predestined) for the world. The hard part is for each of us to decide what work God is calling us to do. There are plenty of positions open in God’s plan. Which one (or ones) are you being called to?

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Debtors to God

Paul is trying to explain God’s work which is, at some point, unexplainable. He also may be quoting a hymn that the Romans sang to share with them that he is not really saying anything that they did not already know. Or, he may be saying that we are, at the same time, children of God and waiting to be adopted as God’s children. As Luther said it, at the same time sinner and saint.

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Instrument of God

You have been freed from the bondage to sin and death and made whole by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. You can choose to live your life so that, through you, others see their own bondage and cry out for their salvation.

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United in Christ, not in Sin

The Christian faith was dividing families. Jeremiah gives a good description of what it sometimes means to answer God’s call. He was being made fun of and mocked. There were threats on his life. And when he tried to withhold God’s words it was like a fire burning within him. All three of our texts today are a reminder that to be God’s own does not guarantee an easy life. What is guaranteed is that God will not abandon you despite who you are, your mistakes and foibles.

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The suffering that Paul is talking about is that suffering that came about because they were Christians and fulfilling the call of Jesus to proclaim that the kingdom of God had arrived. They were suffering for the benefit of others.

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They seemed to be fighting with each other over how to be a Christian and even who was the best Christian. They may have been arguing over who should be in charge. If they were constantly fighting and arguing over worldly standards, Paul argues, they were not living in peace. They were not showing how, by becoming a follower of Jesus, they had been changed by God.

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Long for The Lord

I can tell you hundreds of examples of people who I had never seen before show up at church wanting God to fix some problem. Then, after it is all done, they leave again. Some because the problem is solved so they can return to life as it was while others leave in anger because God did not answer their prayers.

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Life’s Foundation

When we do we often find ourselves lost and, like the Jews in Jerusalem asking, “What should we do?” For we, too, have crucified Jesus by our selfish desires. We have done and continue to do so because, in our journey, we do not always recognize Jesus just like the disciples on their way to Emmaus.

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The Rev. John M. Cawkins
Things Kept in Heaven

If your words fail you you can still proclaim Jesus by your deeds. We note that in our short account by John. Jesus gives the disciples peace three times. It is one of our tasks to take up that emphasis and promote peace in our world.

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The Rev. John M. Cawkins
What Were You Thinking?

One of my university professors often talked about a tension between freedom from something and freedom for something. Through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection we have both. We are free from the bondage of sin and death. Yet we often place the reward of this freedom in the world to come. Jesus did not come to us just to give us a promised future in God’s kingdom. While that will be glorious. Jesus came to us here and now, into our broken messed-up lives.

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What God has Handed to Us

We are just like the disciples. We see Jesus and wish to stay awake. We wish to proclaim God’s truth but are afraid of how others will receive it. We run from the cross afraid to pick it up for the burden it may bring. I could go on. You get the point.

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