Orphans and Children

God does not operate as the world does. While the world looks to see a person’s value as to how much money you can make for them, God looks at what gifts you need to be a member of God’s kingdom. The difference between being children and being slaves.

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Mary and Joseph’s travel was not to visit relatives or do some sight-seeing. It was not for pleasure at all, their journey was a requirement. They traveled to Bethlehem to register so the Roman government could tax them. You see, the Romans dictated to them where they belonged and where they went. Which brings me to ask you. What journey are you on? Where are you going? There are many paths out there that you may take. Which ones have you chosen? How many of them took you the wrong direction?

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This is the season that has great expectations. Just watch the children as they impatiently wait for Christmas day. It is not just children. It is you and I who have expectations and plans who have promised things that do not come to fruition. For that, God has a plan.

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Days and Years

Our lives are not like Christmas presents wrapped in fancy paper with a ribbon around it and a bow attached. Our lives are messy and confusing. We hope that this Christmas will bring us the joy and happiness we had long ago at some Christmas when we were younger. And so, we allow others to dictate to us what this time is all about.

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Giving Thanks for Others

…sharing our gifts with others should be so natural that we don’t even think about what we’re doing. That is in contrast to those who are selfish, who are so focused upon their own desires. They won’t even recognize an opportunity to share their gifts when it comes along.

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Knowing the Unknowable

There Jesus is telling us how to prepare for the time when he comes to take us by the hand and lead us to heaven. A close look at those qualifications and you will note that this entrance exam is not the same as the one you have been taught by the world.

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Rejoice in the Lord

We all have worries. In our busy and sometimes confusing world we struggle to meet the needs of our families and selves and often forget Jesus. That is why Paul, in the same paragraph, talks about taking your worries to God in prayer and with thanksgiving.

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To Know Christ

What he is saying is that we are called to live the life that we have been saved for. That life is a life of following Jesus. It does not mean that we can sit back and let the world go by. It means that we have to be actively involved in the world growing in faith and adapting to the ever changing ways of the world.

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The Rev. John M. Cawkins
Self Giving Love

While we grew up with the golden rule – do unto others as you would like them to do to you – and the ten commandments, mass media and peer pressure soon overtook our childhood lessons with the message of selfishness and that we should put ourselves over others because we deserve it.

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The Rev. John M. Cawkins
Here for Others

Now [Jonah] sat out in the desert complaining to God that God did not do as he wanted. Jonah was not content with his life and wanted others to pay. He thought that retribution would be the ticket to his contentment. As many throughout history have found, it does not.

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SermonThe Rev. John M. Cawkins
Sleepers Awake

Our translation tells us we are to love our neighbors. But who are our neighbors? Is it the people who live on the same block that we do? Is it the people who live in our community? We need to look to the original Greek to get a better meaning of our text. There, the word that is translated “neighbor” means “the other.”

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SermonThe Rev. John M. Cawkins
People. Genuine and Mutual

The internet has not, as some predicted, made life better. It just made life more complicated by encouraging the “same old same old” peer pressure machine counting friends and clicks as your worthiness.

Paul was not thinking about all this when he called the Romans to lives of genuine love and mutual support but those words speak deeply to our time and lives.

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Living Sacrifices

Our society emphasizes the individual. You do not need others around you – in fact you are called to, “Pull yourself up by your boot-straps.” But that only leads to loneliness, resentment, and anger. Feelings that can explode with devastating consequences as we see almost on a daily basis. Paul calls us to live a life in community. That community is the body of Christ with Jesus at the head.

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