Posts in Sermon
Stand Up for God

Fortunately for Ezekiel he was not judged on whether or not the people listened to him. His task was to proclaim God’s word. While his task was difficult he was not required to make them listen which might have been an impossible task. All this is a reminder that we all are called to some task in the kingdom of God.

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What Do You Mean Wait?

They were waiting for salvation and God was taking God’s own time about it. That is how the people waited for the seemingly impossible. They wait by “bearing the yoke in youth, sitting alone in silence, putting their mouth to the dust, and to give their cheek to the smiter.” Well, that’s not the way we want to wait. That’s just too hard and inconvenient.

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Who Do You Think You Are?

Or how many times have we been envious of what others have, especially those who are selfish, mean, and unholy? Both of those attitudes are expressed in Job. The book calls us to examine our own lives to see where we have tried to tell God what should happen, to ask forgiveness for that, and then to ask for the courage and strength to proclaim God’s saving grace in Christ Jesus.

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Living With God

It is always like that for God. Even though the people walk away to look for another savior – whether it be gold, land, famous friends, outward appearances, retirement benefits, or whatever – God does not walk away from the people.

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Sounds of Change

When they get to the source [of the wind] they are confused by what they hear. People talking in their own languages. Luke is quite sparse on the details here. The story starts in the house where the disciples were staying, then they were outside. Were they all speaking at the same time? That is, in the language that the Spirit had given them? It sounds like a cacophonous time. How did anyone understand what was going on?

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Even though it may seem random to some, we do not choose leaders of the church this way. We have a much more formalized method: a committee chosen, forms filled out, candidates selected by the bishop, interviews, trial sermons, and finally a vote by the congregation. The method in Acts is much simpler. Draw lots.

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Angel Driven

The early apostles did not require everyone who wished to be baptized to follow the same path (no inquirer’s class, no specific number of times required to attend worship, no accepting of Jesus as their personal savior). There is even confusion over the Holy Spirit. Some received the Spirit before baptism some after. How the conversion happened did not matter.

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Prisoners and Power

Peter and John certainly had changed much in the few weeks after the resurrection. They went from being huddled up in a room for fear to boldness of speech and action. Even under the threat of imprisonment and death they continued to proclaim Jesus.

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Ignorance and Faith

We live in faith. That gives us the ability to see the gifts that God has given us and share them with others. That is our calling. The gift is God’s love. While we may not be able to heal the lame we can give of what we have.

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A Common Purpose

That is where the ideal Christian community broke down in Acts. When people started to think about themselves instead of others. Where would we be if those first disciples continued to think and worry about themselves and their own lives instead of others?

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Getting Ahead of Yourself

[Mary] was used to being used and discounted. She had no plans. She only knew that Jesus was different because he had treated her as a person equal to every other person. That is why she followed Jesus and that is why, I believe, Jesus first appeared to her.

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A Time to Serve

In the midst of our troubled world we are now called to be servants to God and the world. Just thinking about that enormous task we have our own lament. There is just no way that we can do the task that God calls us to.

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A New Time

Sometimes we believe we are doing as God calls us to and later realize we were wrong. Life is a complex thing. Our lives are woven into a society that is filled with family and friends, acquaintances and chance encounters, and enemies. What to do, how to act in all these situations can be confusing at best.

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Impatient Time

This was not the first time that the Israelites were impatient with God and it was not the last. In part, impatience played a role in all the times that they broke the covenant. Impatient to be delivered from the chaos that surrounded them.

The Israelites are not alone. We too are often impatient.

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Covenant Time

That means faith has always been the criteria of being children of God. The Law which came later was how a person lived out their faith. ...It is only by faith that we can become the children of God.

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Promise Time

The question is, “What will your life look like if only the good is remembered?” Will it be full of activity or an empty slate? We know that we do not always do those things that God desires as well as doing those things that God despises. That is what Lent is about. We are called to reflect on our life and question ourselves and our actions and strive to do more of those things that God will remember.

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